Simple Exercises for Vein Health – Strengthen Your Soleus Muscle!

The soleus muscle, often dubbed “the second heart,” plays a pivotal role in maintaining healthy circulation and preventing venous issues like varicose veins. By incorporating targeted exercises to strengthen the soleus muscle and adopting simple lifestyle changes to promote movement, individuals can support vein health and reduce the risk of related complications. To learn more about optimizing vein health and exploring personalized interventions, schedule a consultation with Artemis Vein Center today for expert guidance and comprehensive care.



One small but powerful muscle has a big impact on vein health. The soleus muscle runs down the back of the leg from the knee to the Achilles tendon, and lies underneath the gastrocnemius muscle. These two muscles are what we normally think of as the “calf.” 

The soleus is also referred to as “the second heart” because of its role in returning blood up from the legs, a crucial part of healthy circulation. Modern life often makes us sit for too long. Whether we’re at work or watching television in our favorite chair at home, we’re not moving our soleus muscle. This can result in swelling, painful joints, cramping, and the formation of varicose veins.


The Soleus Muscle and Varicose Veins

Our veins return blood and fluid to our heart, and the veins in the legs have to fight constantly against gravity. To keep things moving in the right direction, veins have one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing back down toward our feet. 

Also, veins are typically located in our muscles, so any movement in those muscles helps force the fluid back up. When our legs are too inactive, however, the blood can pool in our veins, which stretches the vein walls and causes reverse blood flow. Over time, reverse blood flow stretches the vein walls and contributes to the formation of varicose veins.


Exercise the Soleus Muscle for Vein Health

Fortunately, you don’t have to change your lifestyle to improve the health of your soleus muscle! The soleus is the muscle that enables us to point our toes when our knees are bent, which means that you can get in a little soleus workout while sitting at your desk or at home by doing a seated calf raise. Consult your personal physician before trying this exercise to determine if it is appropriate for you.


Here’s how to do it:

  1. Sit near the edge of a chair in a position in which your knees are at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Press the balls of your feet and your toes against the floor so that your heels and knees are elevated. Point your toes only as far as is comfortable – you can build up more strength and flexibility over time.
  3. Return your heels to the ground – your legs should again be at 90 degrees.
  4. Repeat this motion for 12-20 repetitions, and do one or two sessions during any long periods of sitting.


What To Do For A More Advanced Movement:

  1. Place something under the balls of your feet so that they are a bit elevated. You might try a thick book, a piece of wood, or an object such as a yoga block.
  2. Repeat the raising and lowering motion described above, except this time, allow your heels to drop below the edge of the object.
  3. To make this exercise even more challenging, hold a weight of some sort on your thighs just above your knees to increase the resistance.

This exercise targets your soleus muscle. Other calf-strengthening exercises, such as standing calf raises, will also engage the soleus, but the gastrocnemius is doing the majority of the work in these movements. Pointing your toes while your legs are at a 90-degree angle will isolate the soleus muscle, helping to strengthen it, pump your blood back up to the heart and maintain healthy veins.


Practical Tips for Incorporating Movement into Daily Life

Incorporating movement into your daily routine is essential for promoting vein health and overall well-being.

Here are some practical tips to help you stay active throughout the day:

  • Desk Exercises: Take short breaks throughout the day to perform simple exercises at your desk, such as calf raises or ankle circles, to engage the calf muscles and improve circulation in the legs.
  • Walking Breaks: Schedule regular walking breaks during prolonged periods of sitting or standing to encourage blood flow and prevent venous congestion. Aim to walk for a few minutes every hour to keep your muscles engaged and your veins healthy.
  • Stair Climbing: Opt for stairs instead of elevators whenever possible to incorporate natural resistance training into your daily routine. Climbing stairs helps strengthen the calf muscles and promotes venous return, benefiting overall vein health.

By incorporating these simple strategies into your daily life, you can support the health of your veins and reduce the risk of venous issues associated with prolonged periods of inactivity.


What Other Movements Can Keep Veins Healthy?

Other exercises that improve cardiovascular health while engaging your leg muscles can also keep your veins healthy. These exercises don’t have to be extreme or high-impact! One of the best approaches to overall health is to establish a consistent walking routine, where you walk 30 minutes a day for 4-5 days a week. 

If you don’t already have an exercise routine, start slowly! Set a goal to walk just a short distance once or twice per week. As you feel stronger, you can increase this amount gradually, and soon you may find yourself enjoying exercise most days of the week. Speak with your doctor for help designing a workout routine tailored for your needs, especially if you already have varicose veins or other vein issues.


Do You Have Questions About Your Vein Health?

If you would like to speak with an expert about leg pain, swelling, spider veins, or varicose veins, make an appointment at Artemis Vein Center for a complimentary informational visit. 

The trained specialists at Artemis can assess your vein health, diagnose any issues, and suggest interventions that can help relieve pain and improve the appearance of your legs if you are already suffering from venous insufficiency. Treatments are non-invasive and completely painless, or minimally-invasive with almost no discomfort. It’s never too late to take the first step toward healthier living!

Schedule an appointment at our Westminster office.